Mesopotamia is considered as the starting point of civilization and also considered food science starting point and spread to other locations . Egypt has affected the regions of Anatolia and other locations. Food culture has spread to Europe from these civilizations.
In the Middle Age period people continued their life and had their meal at the castels or their homes ,because of the outside threats and preasures ,
The first restaurant word "restaurer" comes from to restore. Means renewed.The first restaurant opened by“Boulanger” in the year 1700at Paris France.The restaurant name was Retaurante and designed with long tables and people were sitting face to face while they are eating.
The number of restaurants reached around 500 at early 18th century.
The begining of 19th century restaurant business devoloped a lot and ,the competition started,Restaurants started to serve with different menus
Today in Turkey there are thousand of restaurant serving serving different national and international meals.20 years ago there were only soup and the simple local reasturants were opearting in different cities.National income and the life standart increaseeffected to the competition of the restaurant sector.Recent years restaurant Business shown three times more than the growth of Turkey's general economy.
The possibility of ordering meals through internet also encourage the restaurant owners of opening new branches in different locations.Food ordering over 1.000.000 internet user ,orders 30.000 meals from 8.000 different restaurants daily.
Each new restaurant opening initiatives needs correct analysisand should start with a good plan. 70-80% of the opened restaurant is closed for various reasons each year.Our aim is to draw your attention to the general points of achieving succes and avoiding to the points affects negativly.When you take a decision for a new investment,sometimesyour excitment,sometimes people around you and their ideas, sometimes other reasons cause overlook some important points which cause very bad results.We are going to mention the basic points at the opening and also some common basic errors that cause bad results.
Have knowledge about the food,meal and restaurant business, work at different stages of the food and drink sector before, or have been trained in this business, while opening the restaurant is quite an advantage, but is not enough.
A good shop owner must have many other knowledge of finance, accounting, public relations, human resource management and many other things.Non of these subjects has any connections of making good meal.
Your investment can be organized with much more affordable prices ,by chosen right partner and good consultation and coordination.
Although cooking meal may seem like a fun job , but running a restaurant is actually more than cooking a meal.Opening and running a restaurant ,even very hard for an experienced Business leaders.The price calculation should be made by taking into consideration the fluctuations at the raw material ,energy,rent,labor costs altough profit margins are good.
Considering below mentioned four basic points bring you closer to the success,
*Quality of the equipment and the raw material used,
*Hygience of the restaurant working conditions and employees,
*Taste of the product sold,and
*Excellent service
Calculatıon of the ınvestment amount:
Investment amount shoud be calculated correctly.There are many resturants well designed and planned at the begining but could not have success,they have finance
difficulties even before opening their doors because of the miscalcullation of the investment.
Investment calculation costs are not only,construction cost,municipal licence and feess,insurance costs and operating costs.General foundation costs realization usually comes over the estimated amount that is why true investorsshould put a margin of error of 10-20% to the cost.
As a result calculating should be made with more caution and taking into consideration of all expenses points carefully.To get a Professional help will protect you from financial problems taht may occour when you opening your Business.
Most common mistakes made is to beleive to start earning Money at the beginning.This is also quite possible but if not you should not risk all your investment.Even well-known restaurants plans their budget in case they may have operational loss in first 2-3 months .
Sales even come to a very good level, starting from the first day but the first few weeks, food and beverage and labor costs are too high.First weeks you employe more staff as you can not guess the customer traffic which slow down your efficiency,also your waste is going to be more then expected. That is why to bring sales and the cost to alogical balance takes sometime.
You should includ all these losses into your investment budget and do not expect to have a profit first 2-3 months.
What Kind of Restaurant:
In the restaurant business ,first you must decide what kind restaurant you are going to open
You should not enter this business by thinking that,”food industry is very profitable,there is a huge market,most of the restaurant earning very good money”
Be aware of very brutal competition and base your investment on a realistic criteria.Do not think that eveybody can find something to eat in your restaurant,your menu should not be mixed and complicated.Remember customer are always looking for a special taste and special food.Bean expert inproducingthe meal whichmake a difference.Follow the sector ,check your price balance with your competitors,make sure that you can compete and create demand.Do not ever think that restaurant business is going to help enlarge your social life and expand your environment because you are going to work while they are having fun.Think of your business as a commercial enterprise not as a hobby.
One of the most frequently made mistake is choosing the concept.There is no importance of what you want to do, important think is what the customer want and which price level accepted in this area..To check the existing restaurants will give you a lot of ideas.May be your planned concept is not going to suit in that region. Make your research, develop your concept according to your region.Regular customers provide benefit to the restaurants, make every effort to keep your regular customers
Make surprises and small changes to your menu which will give a nice impression and keep your customer more happy.
Customers have the right to take a look at your kitchen but usually they do not;instead their first evaluation for the hjgience is clean toilets and the clean staff.Pay attention these two subject it must be at excellent level.
Restaurant Location
Choosing the right place one of the main priorities of successful so stay away from the idea of renting improper place just to pay less, if the place square is big enough this could make more customers and more revenue considering the quality of services you provide, take into account eco-friendly locations or place teeming with people and passers; this bring to your project more interest specially if you assigned a place for smokers “with tea, coffee and water” that bring you big profits versus low cost.
Remember to add what equal to 4 months of rent as annual TAX fees to the annual rental total amount , “12 + 4 = 16 months” considering; rent cost of one month not more than 10% of your annual turnover and keep your eyes on food material not exceed 25% of turnover. Salaries and other expenses not more than 25% of turnover.
Consider well what can be found in your area and ask if there's banks, government offices, commercial centers, schools or universities, competing for your business or what is close to your business, selling or provide services that will you provide and what is the amount of that business “if any” ? What about social ambience and who inhabit their? People income and so on….
Most important enablers of successful project is the decoration. Chosen of colors you use, chair seats, tables must be accurate. Illumination of venue, wall paintings, must be compatible with the whole space and if you do not have enough experience in that sector ask decoration specialist so you can be more logical and efficient in your selections than false choices that lack to expertise and costly for no avail.
Also your company name, logo, colors creating the brand that allow rising of your shop! Get help from a professional corporate, identity the web-site and all other activities, feel free to allocate sufficient budget for these necessary details.
Machines and Equipments
Equipments that will be used for a years to produce what you want in your project must be highly efficient! Select the machines of good performance, durability, saving energy consumption, security, service facilities, hygiene and safety standards in the provision of products, high efficiency, eco-friendly and compliant with health standards away from simple and inexpensive machine and costly in long term of working.
Please note the following appropriate default duration of machinery:
Preparation machines 8-10 years
Cooking equipments 8-10 years
Refrigerators 8-10 years
Metal cabinets 20 years
Scoops, knives and pulleys etc ... a few years
Now, each chef prepares a list of equipment according to his own preference but we encourage you to browse through the list below for more professional job:
Machınery And Equıpment
Stove or cooker
Bain Marie
deep fryer
Convection oven
Tilting pan
Boiling pot
Meat mincing machine
Vegetable cutting machine
Kneading machine
planetary Mixers
Bread Slicing Machine
meat slicer
Coffee Maker
Coffee Machine
Hot chocolate machine
Cold drink machine
Orange squeezing machine
Ice machines
Cold room
Cold display refrigerators
Neutral display units
Hot display units
Ice cream display cabinet
The candy cart
Service trolley
Load trolley
Dish collection trolley
Preparation stainless counters
Wall cabinets
Wall shelves
Dishwasher input-output tables
Cookıng And Preparatıon Equıpment
Sauce ladle
China cone
Meat thermometer
Oven thermometer
Mixing vessel
Gastronorm containers
Rolling pin
Decor blades
Cake molds
Discussion molds
Cookie Moulds
Chocolate molds
Cream bag
Measuring cup
Measuring spoon
Decor blades
Chocolate molds
Cutting castors
Ice cream spoon
Baking Dish
Steel tray scraper
Plastering cake stand
Cake template
CAM, porcelain tableware
Dinner plate
Dessert plate
Salad bowl
Soup bowl
Various sizes of bowls
Bread plate
Coffee cup
Nescafe cup
Water glass
Cup of tea
Beverage cup
Drinking glasses
Staınless Steel Servıce Kıts
Cooking spoons, forks, knives
Dessert spoons, forks, knives,
Fish forks, knives,
Cocktail spoon
Ice cream spoon
Meat serving fork
Nescafe spoon
Pepper cruets
Bread basket
Menu booklet
Many bakeries start their business in the grand opening while many details are incomplete, lack of rehearsals and training could affect badly if you encountered a lot of visitors on that day. Something needs to be done like working in a trial period for a few weeks before the grand opening. If many guests came to the grand opening; make sure that will not have any problem and bear in mind that as much as you take precautions you will keep away from unexpected troubles!
Service & Human resources
Giving a consistent customer service is one of the main factors of successful catering business; aim to provide enough attention to this issue.
Along with product preparation techniques it’s good to submit clear invoice with every single services you provided and consider general cleaning, hygiene, behavior of the staff, uniforms format, drawing attention and listen to what the customers need, fast services, neat uniform for good external appearance to services team, team behavior in accordance with the prior rules specified administratively and professionally trained.
Responsibilities must be divided and distributed to all team members away from unprofessional and imperfect service.
On the other hand management should stimulate employees so they can keep working good and seeking to develop themselves and their work.